Personality Quiz: Which Grumpus are You? was a Bugsnax-themed personality quiz posted on Buzzfeed on October 20th, 2020. The following day the quiz was removed from the site, due to allegedly being "too promotional". The Young Horses Twitter account posted the possible quiz results.
The quiz asked the player a few questions, such as their favorite snack and what they would bring to a deserted island. Based on the chosen answers, the player would be assigned one of the fourteen Grumpuses based on their apparent personality.
Possible results[]
BEFFICA WINKLESNOOT: You are a storm of hot goss just waiting to be unleashed. You say your pics have no filters, but they do. You don't play nerd games, but when you do, you never lose. | |
CHANDLO FUNKBUN: You're ten pounds of swag in a one-pound bag. You think yoga is a competitive sport. You're on a juice cleanse to cleanse your last juice cleanse. | |
CLUMBY CLUMBERNUT: You think internet quizzes are hokey nonsense. You're three pots of coffee deep and if you have your way, you'll never sleep again. | |
CROMDO FACE: You can talk your way into anything, but not out of it. You don't hold grudges, you build a house for them to live in! You always take the last donut. | |
EGGABELL BATTERNUGGET: You bring your own seatbelt to ride the bus. You have a shame-pile of unused camping gear. You can do open-heart surgery but you'll panic if your friend gets a splinter. | |
ELIZABERT MEGAFIG: You took this quiz while hanging from a helicopter. You've never met a group project that you couldn't do by yourself. You think Bigfoot got boring once he went mainstream. | |
FILBO FIDDLEPIE (a crowd favorite): You invite yourself to your own parties. Saying 'no' makes your mouth feel bad. If you hold a door open for one person, you're stuck holding that door until the building closes. | |
FLOOFTY FIZZLEBEAN: You can empirically prove that you're better than everybody on the planet. You tell jokes that only you laugh at. You WILL have robot arms. | |
GRAMBLE GIGGLEFUNNY: You've named every stray cat within five miles. You refuse to throw away old phones because you feel bad for them. You cry the second you see somebody else cry. | |
SHELDA: Your bed is a mossy rock and your pillow is a squirrel. You think vegans aren't going far enough. You give sage advice, as often and as loudly as possible. | |
SNORPY FIZZLEBEAN: You built your own computer out of duct tape and lawnmower parts. You add 'Big' to the front of nouns you don't trust. You can't decide whether you're more afraid of aliens, or your feelings. | |
TRIFFANY LOTTABLOG: You'd rather explore an abandoned mall than a live one. You'd never let a cracked femur sour your mood. You might have literal skeletons in your closet. | |
WAMBUS TROUBLEHAM: You are often confused for a scarecrow. You believe that eating dirt builds character. You would rather take a door off its hinges than admit that you lost your keys. | |
WIGGLE WIGGLEBOTTOM: You bought your own spotlight to stand in. You introduce yourself to people you already know. You've started one hundred side projects and very nearly finished one of them. |