Oh, I go diggin’ up bits of history and try to piece ‘em back together! It's usually not so dramatic, just an old coin or a severed toe under a rock, but this island’s chalk full of finds!
➜ Um. And your name?
Oh goodness, my name!
I’m Triffany Lottablog!
Why come to Snaktooth island?
I heard about the trip to Snaktooth and thought, well, I could keep scrapin’ at odds and ends till the day I die - - or I could really get out there. Try followin’ in Gramma’s footsteps.
➜ Who is Gramma?
Ya mighta heard of Bronica Lottablog? An adventurin’ type just like Lizbert! She filled up our ol’ house with relics and sketches, taught me to love history, bless her heart.
Thoughts on Bugsnax?
Amazing, doncha think? We got paintings of Bugsnax from a thousand years ago.
Grumpus civilization rises, collapses and turns to dust but the Bugsnax, they always stay.
They’re walkin’ records of history.
Why did you leave town?
It's less I left and more I stopped coming back. I wasn’t even there when the fight broke out. Imagine me coming home to find Wambus all red in the face and at Gramble’s throat.
➜ Is that why you and Wambus split?
No, no, nothin’ so simple as that, I wanted him to come with me to the ruins, honest. But he wouldn’t give up his farm, not even for me. Stubborn fool.
Any info on Lizbert?
Lovely gal, that Lizbert! Wasn’t often we’d both be in town at the same time… …and when we were, we’d usually be in the medical tent, gettin’ treated by Eggabell. We’d swap stories about what we found and show off our grisliest scars!
➜ You two got injured that often?
Adventurin’ is a dangerous business! Archaeology less so, but the Lottablog method can be unconventional. Bugged the heck outta Eggabell. She never liked to see anyone hurt, least of all Liz.
➜ What happened to Lizbert?
Ya know out here it’s only a matter of time before you fall in a hole or get wedged in a crevice. Especially with all these earthquakes shiftin’ the geography around… Not to be morbid, but it could be a thousand years before somebody finds out where Lizbert wound up.
Thanks, Triffany. I learned a lot.
Oh you’re too kind. I’m just happy to chip in and solve a mystery or two. Speaking of mysteries…
You have something for me?
Did you figure something out?
You betcha! Lizbert stashed a journal in the ruins for safekeepin’ I can’t get it open without damaging whatever’s inside. I’m thinkin’ you might have better luck with it. Anywho, I’ve nearly talked your ear off! Better get back to work eh?
New clue! Triffany has a locked journal. You’ll need a key to open it!
Interview notes[]
After having conducted the interview, notes are added to the Journal's Grumpedia section regarding the interview and some of the Journalist's own observation.
Interview notes
• Came to Snaktooth to study its lost history.
• Related to Bronica Lottablog, the famed explorer.
• Grew distant from Wambus after he refused to move.
• Thinks Lizbert got trapped after an earthquake.
References & Notes[]
The Diary is to be unlocked with the Diary Key which is provided by Gramble after his interview.