@Preyingpicantis63 so ig you blocked me... I was gonna send u this message on the fansnax wiki but im blocked so ig i gotta send it here.
You have to admit that i have plenty of reasons to dislike you. And you have plenty of reasons to dislike me. I understand. I get that I start a lot of the arguments. I did say I would do better before, but this probably isn't "better", is it?
We argue so much that we stir up the whole wiki and I can clearly tell ^^^^ that people are getting tired of it. I don't enjoy arguing, it doesn't make me feel good. I just don't like you. BUT I do want to at least respect you. You have the potential to be a "mildly likable guy". Maybe I don't have that potential. Next time I try to start an argument, remind me about that message I sent about me doing better. I hate admitting that you're right, but I do start random, needless arguments because of something you did in the past.
I guess what I'm asking is that we just start over. Put all of our past arguments behind us. I understand If you don't want to, considering everything that has happened before. I just want you to sort of keep me in check, if you know what I mean. Like I said, we don't need to like each other, we just shouldn't hate each other. I don't want to even send this message to you, but I'm doing this for my sake, celly's sake, and the sake of the whole wiki.
Btw... i made this before you blocked me so dont think its all just a lie to get back in the wiki