Pls help
K) Uh oh he ded
Wow it is beautiful
For the akebia fruit bugsnak let's call it wheelbia or akewheel
For the chocolate molten lava cake bugsnak and it's variants let's call it choco mealcake
K) oh hello gu- ummmm....... why is there a dead body
Very Creepy
Make the variant
Capuccetle has chocolate in it too
I know
Wait.... i know why pinkle is in frosted peak cus there was a mail needing you to scan a pinkle in aggroll's box
Mine was tikada masala since i had to wait for it to go near me
When i was trying to catch aggroll for the mail i ended up finding pinkle frozen in the ice then i melted the ice and left there to go to a bed to sleep and respawn aggroll then aggroll spawned it happend one time
Why is pinkle inside aggroll's box
And aggroll is inside pinkle's jar
Oh my god happy birthday
So were almost ready see all the new bigsnax
So people who dont know the release date is 28 April
This is a spoiler so be ready
Are you guys ready for the near adventure
Tsetse Mix, would you rather be sweet or sour