I have zero idea what to say here. I think im just a fandom cryptid at this point
Shut the fuck up im the rizziest one here
OOC: thank ye kindly :)
OOC: 0: woah thanks! though i should note that. aint a guy no more lmao *waves small wrinkly trans flag*
C: *Chilly finally gets to the place where Skittyshark and Celly are.* Do I need to shoot anyone yet? Ya'll are fine, right?
C: ...Oh well. Krazz, can you sense that thing?
K: *He manifests near Chilly, forming out of the cold air.* Indeed I can. Turn fifty seven degrees to the right, and fly straight for about 17 miles.
C: Alright, thanks. *Chilly starts flyin' over there. Real slow.*
C: I'd prefer to fly by myself, thank you very much.
C: Look, lad, or lass, or whatever you really prefer, not the problem 'ere: tell me. Do you want us dead or can you leave us alone?
C: Stop worryin'. We're gonna be fine. D'you two want some warmer clothes? I think it's gonna get a bit colder in a bit. *He ain't lyin, the air is getting colder as he continues smoking.*
C: Sorry bout that. Tends to get colder when I take a puff of msap. Hope you lot don't mind too much... *He takes his signature shotgun out of his bag and loads it, while still smoking the cig, after which he shoots the gun in the air.* If this doesn't at least attract that thing's attention, I dunno what will.
C: Eh. I've seen bigger. Anyway, thanks for the lighter. *Chilly lights a cigarette. It starts emitting purple smoke.* I'm going to use this fairly preemptively, just in case. *The air around gets colder.*
C: I have no idea how you two haven't realised that these tracks are left by an elder. Whatever. Celly, hand me the lighter please.
C: We'll be fine, don't you lot worry. I don't particularly care for whatever's out 'ere. I've got enough bullets to take down a few of those elders, I'm sure of it. Plus, if push really comes to shove, I can give us enough time to just fucken book it if I puff a few m-sap cigs. Oh, by the way- anybody have a lighter?
C: ...I mean, whatever's out here, I don't really care. I've got ice magic in one hand, and a shotgun in the other, so I don't think that thing's surviving the combo. Unless it's a god, in which case, well... Eh, we'll figure something out.
C (As in Chilly): I mean, I s'pose I shouldn't have expected anything less. *He sits down next to the others.* I take it you've all heard that noise then?
Call me wambus the way i pull a lot of hoes
*Chilly arrives at the campfire right after the wail.*
C: ...Hello there. Uhm... how have you all been?
*I'm assuming Chilly receives the invite in the mail here.*
C: I s'pose I could go reconnect with them for old times' sake... Probably should explain what the hell happened to me as well. Ah, y'know what, fuck it. Sounds like a bad idea, so I should probably take my gun... Krazz, would you like to come with?
K: Fine. I think an extra layer of protection would be needed for your fragile mortal body.
C: Stop yapping. You know damn well I'm not fragile.
*Chilly takes his shotgun, and the two head out of their lab.*
I suppose so yea
Anyways i guess i'll be hanging here from time to time. i dunno
I have zero idea what to say here. I think im just a fandom cryptid at this point
Praise be your parents :praying emoji: