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10 Votes in Poll
"Floofty x Snorpy"
"Cromdo x Lizbert"
So first it starts like any other dream with it forming up.
Then i’m transported to a wood cabin with filbo and lizbert staring into a camera for some reason and greeting me joyfully.
After that i’m in this densely packed evergreen forest running from an unknown creature, but then i jump out of the forest to see an ancient ruin that looks like if you mixed an abandoned hogwarts and broken tooth together.
Then i come across this giant Bugsnax called a “Chocpion” which was a giant scorpion with an assorted donut box for a body, legs, arms, and tail made of chocolate eclairs, and half of a chocolate donut with sprinkles for pincers.
Then i hear a Whatchawatch, a slender skeleton shrimp like Bugsnax hiding in the marble pillars which kinda looks like chocolate.
Scuttling between my paws were shrimpics, a shrimp cracker mite with an assortment of sauce on its head.
After that i come across Parfoop, a giant crane fly like Bugsnax with a jar for a body and spoons for legs, not to mention the layers of fruits, nuts, cookie crumbles and cream in the jar.
But when i looked to my right i see this giant Bugsnax called “Poppy Dragbagle” a giant Bugsnax resembling a stack of poppyseed bagles with a gaping maw on the front and cream cheese and honey wings.
There were more bugsnax such as:
Neapolitan Chillynilly
Honey roasted snakpod
Sodie V8
Muffin bunger
And souffléta
So after that i went out of the area and i then realized it was called “The Ruins of Cafèton”, seeing it in the sunset before I wake up.
23 Votes in Poll
Its been 10 months sinse they visit snaxtooth filbo has become the mayor of new grump city chandlo and snorpy are dateing wiggle is a star i have bin calling beffeca we are more then bestys and she got my old job but i have bin hearing the sounds of a strabby filbos brother bildo has got a strarbery arm and wheres a fake arm when his brother sees him i am pluuby pluunderson and i am being chased by a cymera of my friends and snax but before i can tell you that story i have to tell you this story
Some Bugsnax doodles I've drawn recently n_n
So, I was playing some bugsnax today, and suddenly Wambus was still standing on the island, but he had to be on the boat, and when lizbert and egg came, you could see him standing there, looking at his garden.
I couldn't take a picture of it but if it happens again, I will show you.