Overall thoughts: This game is the result of someone wanting to make a children's game, and halfway through realizing they hate kids. And it's beautiful
You fed every grumpus every bugsnak for the snaxperiment?
Yup. And for some reason I insisted in filling Gramble's barn with Cappucceetles. They're easy to catch once you get the trick, actually.
I catch Cappucceetle with a Trip Shot
I use the chocolate covered snak trap
the heck yall mean cappucceetle is immune to both of those
Nuh uh i lunchpad him back into the triplicate space
I just use the buggy ball
@DaParvitz On console (and only console I'm pretty sure), if you walk into the Trip Shot when Cappucceetle is phasing through it, it stuns it
I snakgrapple it
I just place like every freaking trap down at the same time and launch them all when Capuceetle walks by. This is the only correct way.
What do you think?