The character I decided to draw is Floofty.
In my version of this au, the snax have been laced with highly toxic chemicals that will make them take over the grumps. one or two snax is fine, but getting fully or close to fully snakified makes the snax take over.
Floofty is an exception, though.
Despite being almost fully transformed, they still somewhat are aware of their actions, and can hold back on their "instinct" to attack
Here are their snakifications
Head: Noodler
Nose: White Cheepoof
Teeth: Hunnabee
L.arm: Lesser Cocomite
R.arm: Banoppor
L.leg: Greater Cocomite
R.leg: Strabby
Also, I edited it slightly
Just switched the limbs around
It looks great. Too bad I can't see the text
(Could you put it in the replys)
-Not fully snakified
-Can hold back "instinct" to attack
-Still somewhat aware of what they're doing
-Actually quite big
The other text shows Floof standing up, Snorpy interacting with Floofty, and where their snakified parts are.
What do you think?